The Top 10 Expat Resources

Looking for additional information that doesn’t provide? Look our list of the top resources for expats. Our focus is British but most of these resources provide global advice which isn’t necessarily only for Brits abroad.


  1. Bobatoo – A complete resource about insurance for people moving abroad.
  2. a simple way for expats to connect through discussion forums for nearly every country with a British expat community.
  3. British Expat: while its name is almost identical to BritishExpats, this website is more resource based. It has full-time columnists writing about expat issues. It is split into sections according to where you’re living, which is very helpful for specific taxation laws.
  4. Expats Abroad: a network for expats to meet and communicate to share advice and information. It also offers a handy tool to locate friends with whom you’ve lost touch.
  5. UK Expat: dedicated to providing tax information for Brits living abroad.
  6. Experts for Expats: offers expert information on all the challenges you’ll encounter as an expat, including financial and pension advice.
  7. Expat Arrivals: another resource site, with sections dedicated for expat women and job hunters.
  8. Expats Blog: a resource for finding blogs by British expats all over.
  9. US-based blogs: a list of the best blogs for British expats specifically in America. SInce each state has different laws, in depth information is necessary when moving to America.
  10. Expat Interviews: a great website for you to find out about expat experiences. Interviews of normal and extraordinary expats, which can help you learn how to make it abroad.
  11. Internations: an enormous expat network serving people worldwide. No matter what financial challenges you face, you’ll find others who are going through the same. Also has loads of resources written by the experts.
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